🏡 src/blogpkg/pages/index.nim

thisago's blog

Welcome to my programming blog! ;)


Html anti copy

Html Anti Copy In this post well see in action an library that prohibits you to copy HTML text even on devtools

See this example try to copy the following text ...


iecook Hi again have you ever needed to get the browser session automatically
Well now with httpOnly option for cookies makes harder to do this task since it a...

Hello world

Hello World This is the first post of my blog

How it works This blog is generated directly from Nim code thanks for Nimib externalIconhttpsgithubcompietroppete...

from std/os import splitFile, relativePath, getLastModificationTime
from std/strformat import fmt
from std/strutils import replace

import pkg/nimib

from incl/getPosts import getAllPosts
from incl/postName import toPostName
from incl/config import postsDir, siteName, pagesDir
from incl/postDescription import genPostDescription
from incl/gitDt import gitFileLastModified, gitFileCreation, prettyDt

import incl/post

    h1: text siteName
    p: text "Welcome to my programming blog! ;)"
    h2: text "Posts"
    tdiv(class = "posts"):
      let allPosts = getAllposts postsDir
      for i in countdown(allPosts.len - 1, 0):
          fullpath = allPosts[i]
          nimFile = fullpath & ".nim"
          filepath = fullpath.replace(pagesDir, "")
          f = splitFile "." & filepath
        tdiv(class = "post"):
          tdiv(class = "post_meta"):
            span(class = "post_meta_createdAt"):
              text prettyDt gitFileCreation nimFile
            span(class = "post_meta_modifiedAt"):
              text prettyDt gitFileLastModified nimFile
          h2(class = "post_title"):
            if f.dir.len > 0:
              tdiv(class = "post_title_category"):
                text getPostCategory fullpath
            a(href = fmt"{f.dir}/{f.name}"):
              text filepath.toPostName
          tdiv(class = "post_description"):
              text genPostDescription readFile nimFile